Student Handbook
Welcome to the Student Handbook site, the official student handbook of Washington Christian University (WaCU). This handbook is to provide you with information about student resources, student life, and school policies.
WaCU makes this handbook available to all students, and it is students’ responsibility to familiarize with its contents. By enrolling at WaCU, you agree to comply with all rules and regulations. Ignorance of a policy or regulation will not be considered an excuse for failure to observe it. WaCU reserves the right to alter the regulations and policies stated herein through normal channels.
The handbook includes the Academic and Conduct Responsibilities, and Policies and Procedures. Please take a moment to review the most current version of the Academic and Conduct Responsibilities.
WaCU does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, handicap or ethnic origin in its administration of educational policies, scholarship policies, or any other faculty, staff or student program or activity.